Brittany Selah Lee-Bey is the author of EtymologyRules: Back to Basics, a workbook teaching the fundamentals of language and literacy instruction. As a language enthusiast, Selah aims to equip the world with the power and knowledge of words and commits to this mission in all that she does. By day she is a reading specialist and debate coach at a secondary school in DC but by night she writes short stories and raps with her best friend. A DM(V) native, Selah enjoys the beach, gogo music and reality television.
Brittany Selah Lee-Bey is the founder of EtymologyRules, a language education company aimed at equipping people worldwide with the knowledge and power of words. She is a reading specialist with masters degrees from George Washington University and the University of Virginia. In addition to writing about language, Brittany Selah writes creative fiction and nonfiction. Her work can be found in Kairos literary magazine, Black Powerful curated by Natasha Marin and Black Freighter Press’s When We Exhale anthology.
Written for educators, writers and general word nerds alike, EtymologyRules: Back to Basics is a workbook designed to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the English language. Complete with exercises, diagrams and clear and concise content, this text will teach the reader how to think about language, particularly the origin of words.
Brittany Selah Lee-Bey is a reading specialist with a background in special education and literacy instruction. As a language enthusiast, she aims to equip the world with the power and knowledge of words and commits to this mission in all that she does. In addition to teaching and providing professional development, Selah writes creative ction and enjoys reading Black speculative fiction.